New feature: ALERT ROOM

The Alert Room is a special Groupme chatroom linked to your bot that's designed to help all team members receive important game alerts and battle orders from officers while remaining in the game.

Dockbot will automatically add everyone into the Alert Room upon their first check in. Dockbot will ensure Office Mode is always off in this room: messages will buzz your phone and pop up a notification while you're still in the game, as long as you don't mute yourself in this room.

This room is NOT FOR CHAT! Do not type anything in there unless you specifically intend to alert your teammates.
Additionally, Dockbot will post notifications in this room upon the following events:

When you do not wish to be disturbed, you can mute yourself individually in the Alert Room. Remember to unmute yourself to continue receiving notifications!

Why use the Alert Room rather than the batsignal command to send battle orders:

Why use the Alert Room rather than various 3rd party alerting apps:

The Alert Room is now enabled by default. No action is necessary in order to use this feature.

To permanently disable the Alert Room feature in your bot: type "deletealert nnnn" in your War Room, where nnnn is your Bot ID.  Your Alert Room will be destroyed.

To re-enable the Alert Room feature in your bot: type "createalert nnnn" in your War Room, where nnnn is your Bot ID.  A new Alert Room will be created.

-Dockbot Support

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